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16 ноября 13, 23:07
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.24
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Neo-Classic, Heavy Metal, Medieval Folk Rock, Progressive Metal, Symphonic Metal, Gothic Metal, Viking Metal
Альбом: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.24
Год: 2013
Стиль: Instrumental, Neo-Classic, Heavy Metal, Medieval Folk Rock, Progressive Metal, Symphonic Metal, Gothic Metal, Viking Metal
01. Кирилл Покровский - Drunk With Dwarven Mirth
02. Uruk-Hai - The Glory Of A Dragon
03. Apocalyptica - The Unforgiven
04. Catharsis - Polyxena
05. Cйcile Corbel - Goodbye My Friend
06. Corona Borealis - Chaconetta tedescha
07. Cynthia Witthoft - Environmental Health [new version]
08. Dead Can Dance - Instrumental In Southampton
09. Delain - Sleepwalkers Dream
10. Galneryus - UNITED FLAG
11. Hespèrion XXI Jordi Savall - Ghazal
12. Hildegard Von Bingen. Ordo Virtutum - Klageweise
13. Jayce Landberg - Caprice No 25
14. Jordi Savall - 14 VII - Dialogue
15. Moi dix Mois - Eternally Beyond
16. Narnia - The Light at the End of the Tunnel
17. Ougenweide - Merseburger Spieluhr
18. Paul Gilbert - Gilberto Concerto
19. Ritchie Blackmore - Burn
20. Royal Hunt - Memory Lane
21. Saltatio Mortis - Habgier Und Tod
22. Schandmaul - Zauber Der Nacht
23. Septic Flesh - Persepolis
24. Sequentia - Instrumental Piece - II
25. Sopor Aeternus - Die Knochenblume
26. The String Quartet - Have A Drink On Me
27. Apocalyptica - Hall Of The Mountain King
28. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - First Snow
29. Uruk-Hai - Ecthelion
30. Within Temptation - Murder
31. Yngwie Malmsteen - Trilogy Suite Op5
32. Кирилл Покровский - Dwarv Inn
33. Blood Of Kingu - Herald of the Aeon of Darkness
34. Cynthia Witthoft - New British Rock Experience
35. Apocalyptica - Coma (Live)
36. Catharsis - Песнь Луны
37. Cйcile Corbel - Goodbye My Friend
38. Corona Borealis - La rotta
39. Cynthia Witthoft - Progressive Rockabilly Experience
40. Delain - Shattered
41. Hespèrion XXI Jordi Savall - Lamento
42. Hildegard Von Bingen. Ordo Virtutum - Tanz
43. Jordi Savall Hespèrion XX - Batalla De Morales
44. Moi dix Mois - Lamentful Miss
45. Ougenweide - Für Irene
46. Paul Gilbert - Technical Difficulties
47. Ritchie Blackmore - Greensleeves
48. Royal Hunt - Twice Around The World
49. Saltatio Mortis - Hochzeitstanz
50. Schandmaul - Kalte Spuren
51. Septic Flesh - Pyramid God
52. SEQUENTIA - O Jerusalem
53. Sopor Aeternus - In der Palastra
54. The String Quartet - Shake A Leg
55. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Moonlight and Madness
56. Uruk-Hai - The Last Of The Dragons
57. Within Temptation - Stairway To The Skies
58. Yngwie Malmsteen - Unknown Instrumental
59. Cynthia Witthoft - Rockabilly Jazz Experience
60. Кирилл Покровский - DwarvInn
61. Uruk-Hai - When Daylight Is Gone
62. Catharsis - Увертюрa
63. Cйcile Corbel - Our House Below
64. Corona Borealis - Molendinar
65. Apocalyptica - inquisition symphony
66. Hespèrion XXI Jordi Savall - Arabo-andaluz
67. Jordi Savall Hespèrion XX - Ensalada
68. Moi dix Mois - Forbidden
69. Apocalyptica - Master Of Puppets
70. Uruk-Hai - Last March Of The Orcs
71. Ritchie Blackmore - Memmingen
72. Royal Hunt - Third Stage
73. Saltatio Mortis - Nachtigall Und Rose
74. Schandmaul - Kein Weg Zu Weit
75. Septic Flesh - The Vampire From Nazareth
76. SEQUENTIA - Hildegard von Bingen - O, Jerusalem
77. Sopor Aeternus - The Conqueror Worm II
78. The String Quartet - Rock & Roll Ain't Noise Pollution
79. Apocalyptica - Path
80. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Mozart and Memories
81. Uruk-Hai - The Shire
82. Within Temptation - All I Need
83. Yngwie Malmsteen Joe Satriani - Somewhere Over the Rainbow
84. Кирилл Покровский - Fantasia
85. Apocalyptica - Enter Sandman
86. Uruk-Hai - The Nazgul
87. Howard Shore - Upset
88. Стары Ольса - Pagamoszka
89. Almighty Apostles - Seraph Near With God
90. Ария - 1100
91. Кипелов - Дыхание Тьмы
92. Almighty Apostles - Black Fog of the War
02. Uruk-Hai - The Glory Of A Dragon
03. Apocalyptica - The Unforgiven
04. Catharsis - Polyxena
05. Cйcile Corbel - Goodbye My Friend
06. Corona Borealis - Chaconetta tedescha
07. Cynthia Witthoft - Environmental Health [new version]
08. Dead Can Dance - Instrumental In Southampton
09. Delain - Sleepwalkers Dream
10. Galneryus - UNITED FLAG
11. Hespèrion XXI Jordi Savall - Ghazal
12. Hildegard Von Bingen. Ordo Virtutum - Klageweise
13. Jayce Landberg - Caprice No 25
14. Jordi Savall - 14 VII - Dialogue
15. Moi dix Mois - Eternally Beyond
16. Narnia - The Light at the End of the Tunnel
17. Ougenweide - Merseburger Spieluhr
18. Paul Gilbert - Gilberto Concerto
19. Ritchie Blackmore - Burn
20. Royal Hunt - Memory Lane
21. Saltatio Mortis - Habgier Und Tod
22. Schandmaul - Zauber Der Nacht
23. Septic Flesh - Persepolis
24. Sequentia - Instrumental Piece - II
25. Sopor Aeternus - Die Knochenblume
26. The String Quartet - Have A Drink On Me
27. Apocalyptica - Hall Of The Mountain King
28. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - First Snow
29. Uruk-Hai - Ecthelion
30. Within Temptation - Murder
31. Yngwie Malmsteen - Trilogy Suite Op5
32. Кирилл Покровский - Dwarv Inn
33. Blood Of Kingu - Herald of the Aeon of Darkness
34. Cynthia Witthoft - New British Rock Experience
35. Apocalyptica - Coma (Live)
36. Catharsis - Песнь Луны
37. Cйcile Corbel - Goodbye My Friend
38. Corona Borealis - La rotta
39. Cynthia Witthoft - Progressive Rockabilly Experience
40. Delain - Shattered
41. Hespèrion XXI Jordi Savall - Lamento
42. Hildegard Von Bingen. Ordo Virtutum - Tanz
43. Jordi Savall Hespèrion XX - Batalla De Morales
44. Moi dix Mois - Lamentful Miss
45. Ougenweide - Für Irene
46. Paul Gilbert - Technical Difficulties
47. Ritchie Blackmore - Greensleeves
48. Royal Hunt - Twice Around The World
49. Saltatio Mortis - Hochzeitstanz
50. Schandmaul - Kalte Spuren
51. Septic Flesh - Pyramid God
52. SEQUENTIA - O Jerusalem
53. Sopor Aeternus - In der Palastra
54. The String Quartet - Shake A Leg
55. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Moonlight and Madness
56. Uruk-Hai - The Last Of The Dragons
57. Within Temptation - Stairway To The Skies
58. Yngwie Malmsteen - Unknown Instrumental
59. Cynthia Witthoft - Rockabilly Jazz Experience
60. Кирилл Покровский - DwarvInn
61. Uruk-Hai - When Daylight Is Gone
62. Catharsis - Увертюрa
63. Cйcile Corbel - Our House Below
64. Corona Borealis - Molendinar
65. Apocalyptica - inquisition symphony
66. Hespèrion XXI Jordi Savall - Arabo-andaluz
67. Jordi Savall Hespèrion XX - Ensalada
68. Moi dix Mois - Forbidden
69. Apocalyptica - Master Of Puppets
70. Uruk-Hai - Last March Of The Orcs
71. Ritchie Blackmore - Memmingen
72. Royal Hunt - Third Stage
73. Saltatio Mortis - Nachtigall Und Rose
74. Schandmaul - Kein Weg Zu Weit
75. Septic Flesh - The Vampire From Nazareth
76. SEQUENTIA - Hildegard von Bingen - O, Jerusalem
77. Sopor Aeternus - The Conqueror Worm II
78. The String Quartet - Rock & Roll Ain't Noise Pollution
79. Apocalyptica - Path
80. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Mozart and Memories
81. Uruk-Hai - The Shire
82. Within Temptation - All I Need
83. Yngwie Malmsteen Joe Satriani - Somewhere Over the Rainbow
84. Кирилл Покровский - Fantasia
85. Apocalyptica - Enter Sandman
86. Uruk-Hai - The Nazgul
87. Howard Shore - Upset
88. Стары Ольса - Pagamoszka
89. Almighty Apostles - Seraph Near With God
90. Ария - 1100
91. Кипелов - Дыхание Тьмы
92. Almighty Apostles - Black Fog of the War
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